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App Publishing Lifecycle

Once you have developed an app and it's sigma dashboard, you can upload it to Insight Cloud. This process will ultimately make your app available to all users in the app store.

  1. Upload your app to IC, this step allows Seek to validate your app and ensure it is safe to run in the cloud. If it is succesful, a new version of the app will be registered.
  2. Publish an app version, in this step you are able to make a particular version of your app available. This is useful if you are making changes to the app and want to test them before making them available to all users. It can also be used to revert the app version available on the platform.
  3. Add app metadata in the App Catalog, this step allows you to customize a variety of details about how your app will behave in the app store and across the platform.

Upload an App

After your SBT project is built and tested, you can run sbt upload-app <app-name> to upload your app to Insight Cloud. This will validate your app and ensure it is safe to run in the cloud. If the validation is successful, a new version of the app will be registered.

Publish an App Version

Once a version of your app is published, that is now the official version across Insight Cloud. Any new orgs that install your app will get this version. Any existing subscribers will be automatically updated to this version on their next app run.