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Apps are the final publishable product of the SBT workflow. They are a bundle of dependent models that are run together to produce a final set of output tables. Apps are defined in a yaml file under a apps key. The structure of the yaml file is as follows:

  - name: sql_test_app
      - sql_test
      - data_model_test
      sigma_workbook_id: 4RyJMRqYkqnAFNxxdmugma
      sigma_db_attribute: test_db
      freshness_query: fresh
Field Description
name The name of the app, must be unique. Used as unique identifier in the Seek platform.
requires A list of model names that are required for this app. The system will automatically pull all descendent dependencies of these models, so you only need to specify multiple models here if they don't have a dependency between each other.
config.sigma_workbook_id The id of the Sigma workbook to be used for embedded analytics of this app
config.sigma_db_attribute The name of the user attribute used in sigma to determine which database to use
freshness_query The name of the helper query to use to determine the freshness of the app
  • See Helper Queries for more information on helper queries
  • See App Freshness for more information on app freshness and how users can interact with it |