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SBT Command Reference

Use sbt --help for more details about using all the commands. See below for summary of commands.

Command Description
Helper Commands Setup your project and dev env
init Create shell SBT project
init-env Interactively setup project config
check-conn Validate configuration works
App Development Commands Build, run and test apps
run-model Run a locally defined model
deploy-model Deploy a model to a configured SF environment
validate-model Run schema validation on single model output
run-app Run full app, all models in order
deploy-app Deploy all models to target SF environment
validate-app Run schema validation on all model outputs and sources
validate-source Run schema validation against a source table
run-helper Execute helper query in isolation to see results
Insight Cloud Commands Communicate with the IC ecosystem
me Check user profile in Insight Cloud backend
ping Ping insight Cloud backend healthcheck
upload-app Upload a new version of an app
publish-app Publish a specific version of an app
install-app Automatically install an app into a test org
full-rebuild Upload, publish, and install all in one
lookup-app Find known versions of an app