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Sources are the database tables that are expected to be available for a given model. They are defined in yaml files in the sources/ directory. The filenames don't matter, you can separate sources into as many or few files as you like. Insight Cloud will guide users through choosing a database table in their environment to be mapped to this source. You are able to assign a schema for a source, which tells the system metadata about the expected structure of the source table.

The structure of the yaml file is as follows:

  - name: atlas_luminate
    description: "Atlas-prepped Luminate Tables "
    database: SEEK_TEST_DATA
      - name: luminate_datechannelstoreitem
      - name: luminate_datestoreitem
      - name: luminate_dateitem
      - name: luminate_stores
      - name: luminate_distributioncenters
      - name: luminate_dateregiondcitem
      - name: atlas_storelist_custom
        target_schema: sample_target_schema
      - name: atlas_itemlist_custom