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SSO enables organizations to use corporate identity providers to authenticate their users. Currently supported SSO providers include:

  • Azure AD
  • SAML

To request support for additional SSO providers, please contact Seek support.

Azure Active Directory

Register Seek with Azure AD

Register an application in your Azure tenant using these instructions.

Seek's callback url to use for the Azure app's redirect URI is

Configure Azure App Permissions

Configure permissions for the Azure app - see Microsoft's quickstart here.

  1. Use Delegated Permissions
  2. Seek requires the following permissions:
    • Group.Read.All
    • GroupMember.Read.All
    • User.Read
    • Directory.Read.All
    • Directory.AccessAsUser.All
    • email
    • offline_access
    • openid
    • profile

Communicate Setup to Seek

Provide the following information back to your Seek contact:

Azure Details

  • Microsoft Azure AD Domain
  • Azure App Client ID
  • Azure App Secret

IDP Group Mapping

  • Provide the group names that should be mapped to Seek roles: Admin, Engineer, Consumer
  • Multiple groups can map to the same role

Using IDP Groups for Permissions

If you have SSO enabled, you will be able to add groups from your IDP directly to a team in Insight Cloud. This will allow you to manage permissions in Insight Cloud based on your existing active directory group structure.

  1. Create a Team in Insight Cloud
  2. Add the Azure AD group to the Team
  3. Assign permissions to the Team
  4. When users who are a member of that AD group log in, they will have access to the permissions assigned to the Team

Read more about manging Teams in Insight Cloud here.


Open a service request with Seek informing us of your intention to use SAML SSO. Seek will provide you back with the necessary information to configure your SAML identity provider.

Register Insight Cloud with IdP

These are the settings used to configure a SAML identity provider (IdP). The below values are illustrative and should be replaced with the actual values provided by Seek.

Field Value
Assertion Consumer Service URL (post-back url){yourConnectionName}
Entity ID urn:auth0:seek-prd:{yourConnectionName}
Sign Request Algorithm RSA-SHA256
Single Logout Service URL

Communicate IdP Settings to Seek

You'll need to collect the following information from your SAML identity provider and provide it to Seek:

Field Description
Sign In URL The URL where SAML authentication requests are sent. This is also called the single sign-on (SSO) endpoint.
Sign Out URL The URL where SAML logout requests are sent. This is also called the single logout (SLO) endpoint.
X509 Signing Certificate The public-key certificate required by the SP to validate the signature of the authentication assertions that have been digitally signed by the IdP. Seek accepts the .pem and .cer formats.

SAML Attributes Mapping

SAML authentication tokens contain user attributes (claims) that are mapped to user attributes in Seek. The following table shows the default mappings used by Seek. If your SAML provider uses different attribute names, please communicate this back to us.

Insight Cloud User Attribute SAML Attribute(s) Required
email Yes
last_name Yes