App Variants
What are Variants?
Apps have parameters that affect the analysis results. For example, you might set a lookback period for historical analysis. Apps can include many parameters, allowing you to customize the analysis to suit your business needs. The available parameters are defined by the app publisher.
An app variant is a specific, schedulable version of the app defined by its unique parameter values. Insight Cloud allows you to create and schedule multiple variants per app, enabling you to switch between different variants when interacting with the results. When an app is installed, an initial variant is automatically created based on the default parameter values set by the app builder.
Variants can be used to support a range of business needs. Here are a couple of popular examples:
- Compare results using different parameter values, such as lookback periods.
- Experiment and fine-tune models to meet your business needs.
- Run the analysis on different subsets of data to support various teams in your organization, such as different regions or product categories.
Variant Parameters vs Dashboard Filters
Variant parameters are inputs to the app's compute process, which can take significant time to execute. These parameters allow the app builder to customize the analysis in various ways.
Filters, on the other hand, are applied to the results of the analysis and only filter down the rows of data displayed through the dashboard.
View a Variant (View an App)
When you view an app, you are looking at a particular variant. You can switch between variants and see the parameters for your currently selected variant right under the title card of the app.
Manage Variants
From within an app, click the "Settings" button toward the top-right of the screen to manage the variants for that app. You will see a card for each existing variant, and you can take various actions by clicking the triple-dot menu on the top right of each card.
Create a New Variant
Once in the app settings screen, click the "Create a New Variant" button to create a new variant. A new variant card will appear, allowing you to set the name and parameter values for the new variant. Variant parameters are unique, so if you try to create a new variant with duplicate parameters, Insight Cloud will reject the request.
Variants, Compute Costs, and Runtime
Each time you create a new variant, Insight Cloud will trigger that variant to run, which will incur compute costs. Variant runs can process a large amount of data and may take significant time to complete. We advise being mindful of when you trigger a variant to run versus when the results will be ready.
Variant Actions
From the triple-dot menu on a variant card, you can:
- Open Variant: Jump to the app view with this variant selected.
- Edit Variant: Change the variant parameters or schedule.
- Run Analysis: Trigger an immediate run of the variant.
- Cancel Run: Cancel an active variant run.
- Delete Variant: Remove a variant from the app.
- Set as Preferred: Set this variant as your personal preferred variant, making it the default variant you see when you open the app.
- Set as My Org's Default: Set this variant as the default for your organization, making it the default variant for all users unless they have a preferred variant set.